Shri Radha Kripa Kataksha is the hymns or prayer written by Lord Shiva to please Shri Radharani. The prayer is spoken by Lord Shiva to Parvati Mata in the Tantra named Urdhvamnaya-Tantra.
Verse 1
munīndavṛndavandite trilokaśokahāriṇī, prasannavaktrapaṃkaje nikaṃjabhūvilāsinī
vrajendabhānunandinī vrajenda sūnusaṃgate, kadā kariṣyasīha māṃ kṛpā-kaṭākṣa-bhājanam
Oh You who are adored by all the best sages!
Oh You who takes away all the miseries of the three material worlds!
Oh You whose face joyfully blooms just like a lotus flower!
Oh You who delights in playing love-sports throughout the secret forest bower-houses!
Oh most charming daughter of Vrishabhanu, the best of kings!
Oh closest heart-felt companion of the son of the King of Vraja!
When, oh when will You make me the object of Your side-long glance of causeless mercy?
Verse 2
aśokavṛkṣa vallarī vitānamaṇḍapasthite, pravālajvālapallava prabhārūṇāṅigh komale
varābhayasphuratkare prabhūtasampadālaye, kadā kariṣyasīha māṃ kṛpā-kaṭākṣa-bhājanam
Oh You who are situated in a pavilion beneath a canopy of creepers spread over the branches of the blooming ashoka trees!
Oh You whose soft and delicate feet radiate with the pinkish glow of freshly sprouted coral-like tree-buds!
Oh You whose upraised hand bestows upon Your devotees the benediction of absolute fearlessness!
Oh fountainhead of profuse divine opulences!
When, oh when will You shower upon me Your side-long glance of overflowing grace?
Verse 3
anaṃgaraṃgamaṃgala prasaṃgabhaṃgurabhruvāṃ, suvibhrama sasambhrama dṛgantabāṇapātanaiḥ
nirantaraṃ vaśīkṛta pratītanandanandane, kadā kariṣyasīha māṃ kṛpā-kaṭākṣa bhājanam
Oh You who continuously subdues the Son of Nanda into complete surrender unto Yourself by piercing Him with the arrows of loving glances shot from the very corners of Your eyes—
Glances laden with amorous delusions which inspire Him with feelings of most reverential submission, further stimulated by Your crookedly-bending eyebrows that dance with the most auspicious sportive interest of the God of love!
When oh when will You make me the object of Your side-long glance of causeless mercy?
Verse 4
taḍitsuvaṇacampaka pradīptagauravigahe, mukhaprabhāparāsta-koṭiśāradendumaṇṅale
vicitracitra-saṃcaraccakoraśāvalocane, kadā kariṣyasīha māṃ kṛpā-kaṭākṣa bhājanam
Oh You whose form is fair-complexioned with the brilliant hue of lightning, pure gold, and champaka flowers!
Oh You whose facial splendor eclipses the aura of millions of autumn moons!
Oh You whose eyes restlessly move to and fro like the young chakora birds and thus make astonishing expressions from moment-to-moment!
When, oh when will You shower upon me Your side-long glance of over-flowing grace?
Verse 5
madonmadātiyauvane pramoda mānamaṇite, priyānurāgaraṃjite kalāvilāsapaṇiḍate
ananyadhanyakuṃjarāja kāmakelikovide kadā kariṣyasīha māṃ kṛpā-kaṭākṣa-bhājanam
Oh You who are madly intoxicated with Your own eternal youth!
Oh You who are decorated by the great delight of Your mood of jealous pouting!
Oh You who are dyed in pure loving affection for Your Beloved!
Oh You who are most expert in all the various arts of amorous loving expressions!
Oh You who are most learned in designing loving sports within the matchless opulent kingdom of glorious forest groves!
When, oh when will You make me the object of Your side-long glance of causeless mercy?
Verse 6
aśeṣahāvabhāva dhīrahīra hāra bhūṣite, prabhūtaśātakumbhakumbha kumibhakumbhasustanī
praśastamaṃdahāsyacūṇapūṇasaukhyasāgare, kadā kariṣyasīha māṃ kṛpā-kaṭākṣa bhājanam
Oh You who are decorated by the diamond necklace of limitless feminine charms like amorous gestures, ecstatic moods, and gentle mannerisms!
Oh You whose breasts are plump like the purest golden water jugs, or like the cranial globes of a young elephant!
Oh You who are like the swelling ocean of happiness full of (not water, but) the soft pollen of Your most praise-worthy mild sweet smile!
When, oh when will You shower upon me Your side-long glance of over-flowing grace?
Verse 7
mṛṇālabālavallarī taraṃgaraṃgadolate, latāgalāsyalolanīla locanāvalokane
lalallulamilanmanojña mugdha mohanāśraye, kadā kariṣyasīha māṃ kṛpā-kaṭākṣa bhājanam
Oh You whose creeper-like arms rhythmically wave and flow like fresh young lotus stems in the ripples of a river!
Oh You whose restless, roving glance of deep blue eyes dances seductively like vine-tips in the breeze!
Oh You whose playful frolics and alluring movements induce lovely meetings and fascinate Mohan [Krishna] Himself to take refuge in Your charm!
When, oh when will You make me the object of Your side-long glance of causeless mercy?
Verse 8
suvarṇmālikāṃcite trirekhakambukaṇṭhage, trisutramaṃgalīguṇa triratnadīptidīdhiati
salolanīlakuntale prasūnagucchagumphite, kadā kariṣyasīha māṃ kṛpā-kaṭākṣa bhājanam
Oh You whose smooth conchshell-like neck, marked with three lines, is decorated with a pure golden necklace!
Oh You who shines in the splendorous auras of Your three-stranded necklace, woven with small jasmine garlands, and decorated with the three jewels diamond, emerald and pearl!
Oh You whose flowing deep blue-black locks are interwoven with bunches of colorful flower blossoms!
When, oh when will You shower upon me Your side-long glance of over-flowing grace?
Verse 9
nitambabimbalambamāna puṣpamekhalāguṇa, praśastaratnakiṃkaṇī kalāpamadhyamaṃjule
karīndraśuṇḍadaṇḍikā varohasobhagoruke, kadā kariṣyasīha māṃ kṛpā-kaṭākṣa bhājanam
Oh You whose rounded hips are decorated by a belt of dangling flowers!
Oh You whose charmingly thin waist is decorated by groups of superexcellent tiny tinkling jewel-bells!
Oh You whose most beautiful thighs taper gracefully like the trunk of the king of elephants!
When, oh when will You make me the object of Your side-long glance of causeless mercy?
Verse 10
anekamantranādamaṃju nūpurāravaskhalat, samājarājahaṃsavaṃśa nikvaṇātiga
vilolahemavallarī viḍamibacārūcaṃ kame, kadā kariṣyasīha māṃ kṛpā-kaṭākṣa-bhājanam
Oh You whose most captivating ankle bells are resounding various Vedic mantras as You walk, and which possess additional superexcellence in resembling the warbling of a flock of most noble swans!
Oh You whose pleasant bodily movements put to shame the swaying dance of golden forest creepers!
When, oh when will You shower upon me Your side-long glance of over-flowing grace?
Verse 11
anantakoṭiviṣṇuloka namapadamajācite, himādijā pulomajā-viraṃcijāvaraprade
apārasidivṛdidigdha -satpadāṃgulīnakhe, kadā kariṣyasīha māṃ kṛpā -kaṭākṣa bhājanam
Oh You who is humbly bowed to by all the Lord Brahmas of countless millions of universes created by Lord Vishnu!
Oh You who is the bestower of boons to the daughter of the Himalayas (Parvati), to the daughter of Puloma (Indra’s wife Saci), and to Brahma’s wife (Sarasvati)!
Oh You whose toenails glow with the radiance of boundless mystic perfections and opulent prosperities!
When, oh when will You make me the object of Your side-long glance of causeless mercy?
Verse 12
makheśvarī kriyeśvarī svadheśvarī sureśvarī, trivedabhāratīyaśvarī pramāṇaśāsaneśvarī
rameśvarī kṣameśvarī pramodakānaneśvarī, brajeśvarī brajādhipe śrīrādhike namostute
Oh Goddess of Vedic sacrifices!
Oh Goddess of all pious activities!
Oh Goddess of all that is natural and spontaneous!
Oh Goddess of all the demigods and goddesses!
Oh Goddess of all the knowledge of the three Vedas!
Oh Goddess of the enforcement of universal law!
Oh Goddess of all the goddesses of fortune!
Oh Goddess of forgiveness!
Oh Goddess of the most pleasurable forest of Vrindavana!
Oh Goddess of the entire realm of Vraja!
Oh one and only authority of Vraja!
Oh Sri Radhika!
I offer my most respectful obeisances unto You!
Verse 13
itīdamatabhutastavaṃ niśamya bhānunanidanī, karotu saṃtataṃ janaṃ kṛpākaṭākṣa bhājanam
bhavettādaiva saṃcita-trirūpakamanāśanaṃ, labhettādabrajendrasūnu maṇḍalapraveśanam
“May Sri Vrishabhanu-nandini, upon hearing my most astonishing prayer being recited by someone, make that person the constant object of Her most merciful side-long glance. Then, at that time, one will feel that all the effects of three types of karma (whether entangling one in the past, present or future) has been completely destroyed. And at such a time, one will finally gain entrance into the assembly of Nanda-nandana’s [Krishna’s] eternal loving associates.”
Verse 14
rākāyāṃ ca sitāṣṭamyāṃ daśamyāṃ ca viśuddhadhīḥ
ekādaśyāṃ trayodaśyāṃ yaḥ paṭhetsādhakaḥ sudhīḥ
Verse 15
yaṃ yaṃ kāmayate kāmaṃ taṃ tamāpnoti sādhakaḥ
rādhākṛpākaṭākṣeṇa bhaktiḥsyāt premalakṣaṇā
“That practicing devotee (sadhaka) of purified intelligence, who recites this stava with a fixed mind on the lunar days—full moon, bright ashtami (waxing eighth day), dashami (tenth day), ekadashi (eleventh day), or trayodashi (thirteenth day)—finds that each and every desire that one had will be fulfilled without fail. And by the most merciful side-long glance of Sri Radha, one will obtain devotional service which has a very special quality of pure, ecstatic love (Prema).”
Verse 16
ūrudaghne nābhidaghne hṛddaghne kaṇṭhadaghnake
rādhākuṇḍajale sthitā yaḥ paṭhet sādhakaḥ śatam
Verse 17
tasya sarvārtha siddhiḥ syād vāksāmarthyaṃ tathā labhet
aiśvaryaṃ ca labhet sākṣāddṛśā paśyati rādhikām
“That practicing devotee (sadhaka) who recites this stava 100 times while situated in the waters of Sri Radha-kunda up to the thighs, navel, chest or neck, attains complete perfection in all the four purusarthas or goals of human existence—namely dharma (religiosity), artha (economic success), kama (fulfillment of desires), and moksha (liberation from material existence). One also attains the power by which everything spoken will come true. One becomes very opulent due to attaining transcendental majesty, and gets to meet Sri Radhika face to face, seeing Her even with one’s present eyes.”
Verse 18
tena sa tatkṣaṇādeva tuṣṭā datte mahāvaram
yena paśyati netrābhyāṃ tat priyaṃ śyāmasundaram
“Thereby Sri Radhika becomes so pleased that She instantly bestows a great benediction. And that benediction is—one also sees Her own beloved Syamasundara with one’s very own eyes.”
Verse 19
nityalīlā–praveśaṃ ca dadāti śrī-vrajādhipaḥ
ataḥ parataraṃ prārthyaṃ vaiṣṇavasya na vidyate
“Then that very Lord of Vraja-dhama grants one entrance into His own eternal pastimes of ecstatic daily sports. And other than attaining this goal, there is nothing but nothing else which is really hankered for by the true Vaishnavas.”
iti śrīmadūrdhvāmnāye śrīrādhikāyāḥ kṛpākaṭākṣastotraṃ sampūrṇama
Thus ends the Sri Sri Radha-Kripa-Kataksha Stava Raja