According to the legends, Garuda had abandoned the entry of the poisonous Kaliya Naag in the Pacific Ocean. Due to this, he settled in the pious Yamuna river, to find solace from the atrocities of Garuda. His poison was polluting the river which was harming the people of Vrindavan. Shri Krishna with an intention to save his loved one’s ordered Kaliya naag to leave the Yamuna. When the poisonous snake did not follow his orders, Lord Krishna fiercely fought with him. This fight ended with the Lord dancing on the serpent’s venomous head. With every step Lord Krishna danced on the serpents head, his pride and self-image were vanishing. At the end when the serpent became selfless, lord Krishna guided him towards the ocean assuring him that Garuda won’t trouble him due the feet of Lord embarked ...Read more
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Shri Krishn dancing on Kaliya Nag at Prem Mandir, Vrindavan