Gopis Search for Krishn after he left them in Raas Leela: Leela is described in Shrimad Bhagwatam Canto 10, Chapter 30.It described how gopis, tormented through the long night by separation from Krishna, wandered like madwomen from forest to forest in search of Him.From all the moving and nonmoving creatures they asked for news of Krishn's whereabouts. They asked creepers, trees and animals like deer about him as depicted in the picture. They saw the foot prints of Radha Krishn until a certain point as depicted and finally they saw only foot print's of Shri Krishn which were deeply immersed in the mud. So they finally confirmed that Shri Krishn must have put Radha Rani on her shoulders. Finally, they said that "Radha Rani" is Certainly the best worshipper among all the gopis and best devotee of Shri Krishn among all the devotees, since He was so pleased with Her that He abandoned the rest of us and brought Her to a secluded place.
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