Goverdhan Pujan (Worship):The beautiful leela is depicted as Braj Wasis offering their prayers to Goverdhan as instructed by Shri Krishn, that Braj Wasis should stop praying to Indra and instead they should offer their prayers to Goverdhan. Giriraj-Govardhana is situated some fourteen miles west of Mathura. Goverdhan is very dear to Radha Rani as its mentioned in Garg Samhita."yatra vrindavanam nasti na yatra yamuna nadi yatra govardhano nasti tatra me na manah-sukham"Shri Radha Rani said: My heart cannot be happy in a place where there is no Vrindavan, no Yamuna River, and no Govardhana Hill.Giriraj-Govardhana is non-different from Krishna, yet he is considered to be hari-das, the best among all the servants of Hari. The gopis spoke of him as follows: “O my friend, this Giriraj is the topmost among Shri Hari’s servants and is absorbed in supreme bliss, being always touched by Shri Balaram’s and Shri Krishn’s lotus feet.

Goverdhan Pujan (Worship):The beautiful leela is depicted as Braj Wasis offering their prayers to Goverdhan as instructed by Shri Krishn, that Braj Wasis should stop praying to Indra and instead they should offer their prayers to Goverdhan. Giriraj-Govardhana is situated some fourteen miles west of Mathura. Goverdhan is very dear to Radha Rani as its mentioned in Garg Samhita."yatra vrindavanam nasti na yatra yamuna nadi yatra govardhano nasti tatra me na manah-sukham"Shri Radha Rani said: My heart cannot be happy in a place where there is no Vrindavan, no Yamuna River, and no Govardhana Hill.Giriraj-Govardhana is non-different from Krishna, yet he is considered to be hari-das, the best among all the servants of Hari. The gopis spoke of him as follows: “O my friend, this Giriraj is the topmost among Shri Hari’s servants and is absorbed in supreme bliss, being always touched by Shri Balaram’s and Shri Krishn’s lotus feet.


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