Bhuteshwar Mahadev is located 500 metres away from Shri Krishna Janmabhumi in Mathura.
mathurāyāñca devatvaṃ kṣetrapālo bhaviṣyasi
tvayi dṛṣṭe mahādeva mama kṣetra phalaṃ labhet
(Shri Krishna said) Dev! You will be the guardian of Mathura region. After having your darshan, O Mahadev! People will attain the fruit of my divine abode.
Based on this name of Shiva, city of Mathura is called Bhuteshwar. The deity of Mahadev ji is very ancient. He is considered to be the guardian of the west direction.
When Lord Shankar came for darshan of Lord Krishna in Braj, he resided at four different places, at Bhuteshwar in Mathura, at Gopeshwar in Vrindavan, at Nandishwar in Nand gram and at Chakreishwar in Giriraj.