This is the spot in Goverdhan near Kusum Sarovar, where Shri Narada Muni performed penance on the advice of Vrinda Devi, and the place where he is said to have written his famous Narada-bhakti-sutras explaining the science of devotional service. Naradavana is also mentioned in the Puranas to be one of the upavanas of Vrindavana. There is a temple here next to the Kunda where the deity of Narada Muni can be seen. One day while he was engaged in penance, Narada noticed Vrinda Devi passing by with some of her girlfriends and he humbly begged her to bless him so he might enter the rasa-mandala to witness the rasa-dance. Vrinda Devi informed him that he should first take bath at Kusum-Sarovar, after which his desire would be fulfilled. After bathing in the sacred Kusum-Sarovar, Narada immediate...Read more
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Darshan of Various Acharyas deities at Narad Kund, Govardhan