Prem Sarovar - Barsana

Prem Sarovar - Barsana

Once, Krishna and Radharani were sitting together. A bee zoomed near Radharani menacingly. Krishna asked a Gopa friend to chase it away. When the friend drove the bee away and returned, he said, “Madhu is gone.” Madhu means bee and is the name of Krishna as well. Radharani felt Krishna went away and she began to cry. She wept and repeatedly cried out, "Oh, Pran-nath, where have You gone? She was in Mahabhav, that she didn’t recognize that Krishna is sitting with him. Krishna tried to console her, but Seeing Radharani’s cry of separation, Krishna also forgot that She was sitting on His lap and he also began to cry, and from the mix of their tears of love, the Prem Sarovar pond emerged. When the Sakhis saw Their condition, they too became senseless. Radha Rani's female parrot began to loudly...Read more

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