Sinduri Shila is the rock where Shri Radha herself revealed the vermilion on the rock with the friction of her finger and puts it on her forehead.
Once Shri Shyama Ju came to Shri Krishn with Shringar (adornment), Shri Krishn told Shri Radha that there is no vermilion on your forehead, your Shringar (adornment) is not complete. On this Shri Radha said that there will be a lot of delay in going to Barsana again and putting vermilion. On this, Shri Krishn said that you can get vermilion here on any rock of Govardhan by the friction of your finger. It was here that Shri Radha rubbed with her fingers on this rock and vermilion appeared, which she puts on Her forehead. Even today, Vermilion appears in this Shila.
Location :
Sinduri Shila is situated in Mukharvind in the Parikrama Marg of Govar...Read more
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A nice view of Govardhan mountain at Sinduri Shila, Govardhan.