Shri Krishna and Balram coming back home in the evening: The Leela is depicted as Shri Krishna and Balram coming back home in the evening after cow herding with all the cowherd boys. Lord Shiva being absorbed in Shri Krishn's love watching the magnificent moment in Vrindavan secretly, by hiding himself under a tree. Jagadguru Shri Kripaluji Maharaj described this leela in his famous pad as such:"Dhoosari dhoori bhare hari aavata."It is time of the sun set hence, Shyam Sunder is coming back to his home with the thousands of cows and his azure body is covered with the dust raised by the cows-hooves."So “Kripalu” jankee jhankana hita, shambhu Samadhi bhulaavata."Shri Kripalu Ji says “The beauty of this scene is so ecstatic that even Lord Shankar, renounced the bliss of his trance to have a glimpse of it.”
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