Mathura is the birthplace of Shri Krishn. Many pastimes of Shri Krishn have taken place here. Shri Mathura grants liberation -
Ayodhya Mathura Maya Kashi Kanchi Avantika.
Puri Dwaravati Chaiva Saptaita Mokshadayika.
- Padma Puran
There are seven Puris (cities) on earth, Ayodhyapuri, Mathurapuri, Mayapuri (Haridwar), Kashipuri (Varanasi), Kanchipuri, Avantikapuri (Ujjain), Dwaravatipuri (Dwarka), which grants liberation.
Aho Madhupuri Dhanya Baikunthacha Gariyasi.
Dinmekam Nivasen Harau Bhakti Prajayate.
- Padma Puran
With just one day's stay in Shri Mathura, the love of Shri Krishn starts erupting in the heart, then what is the use of wandering other pilgrimages?
At the end of Satyuga, a demon named Madhu conquered all the demons and became the master of the three worlds. The name ...Read more